"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything"

Sunday, March 20, 2011

(Heathrow Airport, England 2010)
Usually, when people envision their first trip to Europe they have a slightly different image in their mind than the ones I was being bombarded with every time I turned on the news. If you know me at all or have kept up with my past travels, you already know that when it comes to international flights I have been....let's say...underwhelmed. I will admit that my experience with the earthquake and never actually making in to Chile, but instead enduring a 12+ hour flight from Atlanta to Atlanta...had some lasting effects. But before I continue, let me give a little background as to how this unlikely opportunity to travel again began.

As an International Studies major at the University of Kentucky, I am blessed with a group of peers, faculty, and classes that suit my passion for travel and everything that encompasses. When I discovered the Winter Travel Grant, an opportunity to participate in Independant education in one of three World Cities, I knew I couldn't afford not to apply. With much anticipation, budgeting, and countless reviews for museums, hostels, and restaurants....I recieved the e-mail. I was going to Europe!

This excitement continued to grow as I called everyone in my family to let me know that I had won $1,500.00 to go to London and Paris for the winter break. Becasue of the short notice, everything flew from there. My plane ticket was purchased within 48 hours, hostels booked, and lonely planet read. I had decided that although this was the opportunity of a lifetime, I would spend Christmas with my family in Kentucky and leave early the next day. My journey would Start on the 26th of December on through January 11th 2011.

What follows is my best attempt at re-living the experience, at sharing the moments and experiences that made the biggest impact on me with my family, friends, and the people who helped make this incredible experience possible.....Thank you again to everyone and remember, CARPE DIEM!

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