"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything"

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thank You!

I decided to document my experiences in a public blog instead of a scrapbook, or pile of photos for several reasons. I knew it would last more permanently, serve as a fun thing to look back on for myself and my family, but also because I wanted to let the people who made this possible see just how much this Travel Grant meant to me. Not only did I get to see and experience some of the greatest museums and monuments in the world, but I was allowed to grow personally. Along with record of my experiences in these places, I also tried to write about how my thoughts and ideas changed along the way - which to me, is the essence of education.

I hope to continue this blog or another like it as I continue to pursue international travel, and as a reminder to push myself to learn as much as possible and to never settle with knowing less when I have the opportunity to know more. And as much as I love looking back on this experience as a lesson in independence I know it wouldn't have been possible without the help I received. To my boss, who let me pick up hours so I could afford more touristy trinkets, the women who wrote my recommendation letters, my family for putting up with late-night packing and encouraging me along the way, and finally to the board and college of Arts and Sciences for having this award available and allowing me to participate! Thank you ALL again for this opportunity!


Chelsey Perron

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