"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Blog.

So, if you have kept up at all with my Argentina (turned random thought/life) blog you may be wondering what this one is all about. In short, this is my way of preserving the memories I made during one of the most whirlwind experience of my life - my spontaneous 15 day euro trip made possible with the $1,500 award from the Winter Travel Grant through UK. In this post, I am simply going to explain where things are and what elements on the page have relevance an why. So before things get too complicated, here we go:

Title: "Whirlwind Europe...." is the best way I can explain this experience in a few short words. As I dive deeper into my experiences you will see why, but this trip came at exactly the time I needed it to. It happened so fast, it was my first true independant travel and everyhting I learned, saw and experiences happened so fast but left marks upon my memory that will never fade.

Quote (below main pic): I stumbled on this quote shortly before embarking on my trip. I was worried to death about money, about how I would get by with so little in such a notoriously expensive part of the world, but these simple words made all the difference. Had it not been for the reassurance that these words provided me, I would have never stayed in the budget hostel that proved to be one of the best hostel experiences of my life or tried the street crepes in Paris.

Links (right): These are the links to all of the sites in Paris and London that made this trip so educational, rich in culture and history, and possible!

Slideshows (bottom): These are small collections of photos taken in each place I spent significant time...I had the opportunity to extend my trip past the required 10 days and visited an old friend at her farm in Nottingham, England! There are captions describing the places the photos were taken, and clicking them will link you to my Picassa Web albums.

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